Buyer Home Needs: Mt Pleasant and Culleoka

As a real estate agent I work with both home sellers and buyers. I don’t always have the right house for the right person listed and sometimes the right property for my buyers hasn’t been listed on the MLS. Today I have two sets of buyers who have specific needs that we haven’t found yet. If you know of someone who may be considering selling their home and they match either of these buyer home needs please get in touch with me RIGHT AWAY!

Mt. Pleasant Buyer Home Needs

  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 2 baths
  • Reasonably updated
  • Priced under $175,000.
  • Around 1600 to 1800 square feet.

Culleoka Buyer Home Needs

  • 3 bedrooms,
  • 2 baths
  • Acreage – ideally around 5 acres with no restrictions.
  • A good place for the buyers would like to raise a few animals and grow a garden.
  • Other areas considered: Chapel Hill, Lewisburg, Pulaski, Columbia

Send me a note if your home might be a match!

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