Why You Should Have a Home Inspection and Use an Agent for New Construction

Yesterday I read a post on Facebook in a local Spring Hill, TN group where someone bought a home that was new construction. After purchasing the home all kinds of defects became apparent. The builder had apparently discouraged a home inspection and the buyer was not represented with an agent for new construction.

Why Should You Have A Home Inspection in New Construction?

New Construction Home - Spring HIll, TN (2)
A new construction home about to get started on construction.

In new construction you might wonder “why it is important to have a home inspection?” To put it simply everyone who works on a home is human and mistakes happen. There can also be material defects in the products used to build the home. Many of these things may not be apparent to a buyer going into a deal who has a ton of things on his or her mind.

Always get a home inspection when buying a home. Even home inspectors aren’t perfect but having an additional set of eyes working for you as a buyer can turn up things you may not have thought about. Home inspectors climb through crawl spaces, go into the attics, and check out the roof. They see many houses over the course of their careers and can be very knowledgeable about what should be working correctly on a home.

Sometimes not knowing about something can cost you thousands more in the long run with costly repairs. I highly recommend that whenever you buy a new construction home you get a home inspection EVERY time. Any builder who stands behind their product and believes in their work won’t even flinch when you tell them you are getting a home inspection. In many cases they will tell you to simply send over the report when its finished and they will address it in its entirety.

New Construction Home - Spring HIll, TN (2)

Why You Should Use a Buyers Agent for New Construction

When I was working new construction in a subdivision often buyers would come in unrepresented (As the disappointed buyer did). I strongly believe that representation for you is extremely important. Having an experienced agent for new construction who has been through the process before, knows the pitfalls of new construction, and can help guide you is a valuable resource. Often people come in to new construction with no agent hoping to get a better deal on the home. Unless they are a very savvy home buyer who knows the process they are going into the process without backup, without an advocate, and in many case without any support. In the situation above the buyer was pushed into making decisions that were not in her best interest. That’s what the agent is there to do, help watch out for these issues and achieve the best possible outcome for their client. Buying a home (in many cases) is the largest consumer purchase people make, wouldn’t you want to take every precaution to do it right?

For Help with New Construction or Any Other Property Contact Me Below. I’m very familiar with new construction and builders and can put that knowledge to work for you as a buyer!

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